Customizing first-line BTK inhibitors for CLL
October 24, 2024
On October 23, 2024, the Lymphoma Hub held a virtual symposium: Customizing first-line BTK inhibitors for CLL.
The chair, Gilles Salles, was joined by expert speakers, Paolo Ghia and Francesc Bosch. The symposium aimed to enhance understanding of the unmet needs associated with BTK inhibitors in CLL, current and future perspectives of BTK inhibitors, and the optimal use of BTK inhibitors in clinical practice. After attending this symposium, participants are able to describe novel therapeutic targets in CLL, explain the mechanisms of action for new agents, recall the latest data for new agents, including their regulatory status in CLL, describe the rationale for selecting such treatments based on previous treatments and patient-related factors, describe the adverse event profiles of novel agents, and state how adverse events could be managed in clinical practice.
This independent educational activity was supported by Pharmacyclics LLC, an AbbVie Company, and Janssen Biotech., administered by Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC. All content was developed by SES in collaboration with the faculty; funders were allowed no influence on the content of this activity.
For more information, please visit Lymphoma Hub Virtual Symposium