Bringing the latest clinical trial data to clinical practice

Bringing the latest clinical trial data to clinical practice

We are seeking supporters for our upcoming steering committee meetings to maximize the time we have with thought leaders and also to run additional discussions that support us in closing the identified educational needs.

Conferences are often the first place the latest data from clinical trials are published. Unfortunately, due to logistics and timing, limited HCPs can attend these conferences in person. A mission of our hubs is to ensure these important updates reach the HCPs who need to hear them so patients can receive the most advanced care possible. We do this through a variety of modalities. We attend the conferences and post live updates on our hubs and associated social media channels, meaning HCPs who can’t attend the conference receive the same updates at the same time as those who can attend. We also take this one step further and explain the relevance of the data to future clinical practice and provide our HCP audience with advice on how to apply the updates practically. One way we do this is by facilitating discussions at our steering committee meetings, which bring together world leaders to converse. These discussions are recorded and hosted on our hubs and social media channels as videos and podcasts, ensuring multiple learning styles are supported to improve knowledge and competence change among HCP communities.

Please get in touch about sponsoring an upcoming meeting if you are interested in attending as an observer and hearing insights from world leaders firsthand. This also provides you with the opportunity to speak with our committee once the meeting has officially closed in our “virtual exhibitor hall” and ensures important independent clinical trial education reaches our audience. We have several upcoming meetings with room on the agenda for extra discussions and would love to make use of these.

For more information, contact .